Laborious Garden

Individual project, 2021

The act of garden in modern times.

Material : Transparent PVC film, Metalic spray paint,
Arcrylic box, Color sand, Wood
Type : Installation

Why do people in modern times are engrossed by gardening? Repetitive physical labor is a significant element of gardening. The society that values mental labor ironically highlights the importance of physical labor. ‘Gardening’ presents the garden as a tool that provokes an act of embellishment. As a remedy for a vain of intellectual labor, physical labor provides a sense of security through physical stimulation.

When the black sand inside the acrylic box on a pillar pours down a cone, the sand spills out, operating like a sand glass. Each cone has difference sized openings that cause time differences until it completely spills out the sand. This time difference is set based on the time frame of a relaxed roaming of a person in between the pillars to pour out the sand. A repetition of emptying the sand while viewing and filling in the sand helps to refreshen the mind and organize thoughts.

Pillars at varied heights draw the bodily movement for gardening. From stretching the arms upward by lifting the heels to crouching down, the use of various parts stimulates the body and allows the sensory experience.